A titration experiment involves a sequence of several steps. A lot of careful observation is needed as well, as the pH (and color) of the titrate changes. This simulation is designed to help a user understand these sequence of steps with various combinations of acids and bases. Given the safety concerns with such experiments in a chemistry lab, a virtual simulation such as this one becomes very useful.
If you thought a simple pendulum is boring... think again. ScholAR attempts to ignite excitement into this seemingly theoretical topic. Concepts as well as applications of pendulum are explored to intensify the learning process
A short video that explains how to use a ScholAR Physics simulation. Example taken here pertains to an experiment called "Bell Jar" -- which urges a user to experiment with sound in different media. ScholARlab encourages users to explore, observe, analyze and learn.
At Scholarlab we have been pioneering C2A (Concept To Application) design philosophy to enable students of Science to appreciate and understand relevance of scientific theories. We apply science concepts to real life applications in our 3D interactive science simulations. The goal is to enhance engagement levels, which eventually leads to improved learning outcomes. Here's a sneak peek into how we have gone about implementing C2A..