The New-Age Learning with Interactive Experiences
With our flagship product Scholarlab, we are transforming learning, one experience at a time. Our immersive and highly interactive content is developed using future-ready technologies enabling 3D and mixed reality experiences.
The experiential learning content is designed to significantly improve visual-processing of complex, thus enabling easier understanding and eventually, enhancing the overall learning process.
We partner with some of the top school brands & educational institutions in India as we progress on our ambitious journey to ed ucate children in the future-ready way.
Integrate with your LMS
Scholarlab integrates with all major LMS (Learning Management Systems) so that educators can use their gradebooks to track students’ performance data and students can keep a record of their work. ScholAR is compatible with Canvas, Moodle, Sakai and several others. It’s also possible to use Scholarlab without an LMS. We can also work with your Tech team to facilitate custom integration approaches.

Our globally expanding user base
We are extremely honored and grateful to the users that have been onboarded on our platform.

Students & Teachers
India, SE Asia & USA
Our Partners
Explore our Virtual Labs for your STEM requirements

Body Movements
Observe a human skeleton from close quarters. Control the movements of its joints to understand the working of our joints

Electricity and Chemistry
Bringing Electricity and Chemistry together always produces excitement. Perform various types of experiments in Electrolysis and Electroplating to understand movement of ions during the process and the end results.

Mirrors - Plane & Spherical
Mirror mirror on the wall - who's the smartest of 'em all !! Understand properties of plane and spherical mirrors, and apply them in real life situations. Check out what happens if you used a convex or a concave mirror on your dessing table mirror
Taking smart technology to the class & beyond
Scholarlab is an advanced virtual lab, designed to provide a digital platform for conducting a variety of interactive science experiments. Many of these experiments are based on real life scenarios.
Unlock the Potential
Scholarlab simulations are engineered to address gaps (Lacuna) in the teaching/learning process. Our simulations will support the following scenarios:
Example: Sensitive intruments such as Screw guage and vernier calipers don't work anymore as parts are rusted.

Example: use of Gold/ platinum in experiments.

Example: experiments using concentrated acids or other dangerous chemicals. Jumping off a plane to understand terminal velocity.

Example: we simulate collision of automobiles on a highway to understand principles of "Momentum" and "Conservation of energy".

Example: Visit a petroleum refinery to practice the application of fractional distillation.